Here are my fruiticons.
New textures for:
Icons for the IndivitualHudFruit Mod by HappyLoose
Installation of the icons / mod you can refer to the eigendlich Mod.
Path: In the folder "IndividualHudFiles" replace the icons.
More updates will come as soon as the remaining icons are available.

1 Downloads in
6 years ago

Please give more details or replace the files ,, chemein to follow thanks
Some of them are nicer than the other that I already had changed, but almost anything is better than the original butt ugly ones.
Hello im not to good with pc could you explain in easy terms how to install this please
Regards Chris
It's so hard to put a little README file with icons ?!
Thank to share mod from others sites with the exactly the same description, but it's useless if no one can be install the mod
emplacement :
Data/Foliage ...
oublier pas de sauvegarder avant ! vos fichier
for all of you people that do not know how to install mods just open your documents/mygames/farmingsimulator19/mods and place them in there ..............i like the other icons that are more realistic and more colorful these one here look like the one you can use in minecraft sorry to say
also the other one you place it in that is a folder in documents/mygames/farmingsimulator19
This mod require an another one : https://fs19.net/farming-simulator-2019-mods/other/indivitualhudfruit-v-0-5-beta/
- copy zzzz_IndividualHudFruit.zip at Mod Directory in "D:\Neoblaster\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2019\mods"
- Create "IndividualHudFiles" in "D:\Neoblaster\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2019\"
- Past *.dds files from mod "FORGOTTEN PLANTS - ICONS V1.0" into previously created directory
- Enjoy
~Download this mod https://www.modhoster.de/mods/indivitualhudfruit .
~Open the mod "indivitualhudfruit"
~zzzz_IndividualHudFruit copy and paste directly into the mods folder Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2019\mods
Inside the same mod file "IndividualHudFruit" you'll see
unpack again.
and paste the included file into the main folder. Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2019
je ne comprend strictement rien du tout au mode d’installation de cette archive ou faut il mettre l'archive??? si ce n'est pas dans le dossier des mods!!!
ça fonctionne mais uniquement pour les menu mais pas pour le chargement des véhicules
Thomas, how to fucking hard it is add PROPER instructions?
Impossible d’expliqué comment installer les fichiers, pas plus de 500 symboles !
PS: je pense ouvrir un forum FS19, ça sera plus simple .
J'ai ouverts, le forum vous trouver l'explication installé le mod.
Adresse: http://farming-simu.forumactif.com/
Bonjour pas mal se mods s'es dommage cela ne change pas au niveau vehicule sur les semoirs remorque ou moisonneuse dans le pda pas de soucis s'es bien changer voir le bug ou créer pour les vehicule se mods tres agreable se changement merci d'avance
Voici la bonne adresse: http://farming-simu.forumactif.com/
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