FS19 Seeder Pack v1.0


Here is the FS 19 seeder pack. Includes the Horsch Pronto 9DC, Vaderstadt Seed Hawk, and the Great Plains drill.

Horsch Pronto 9DC:
increased speed
increased capacity
colour choice
standard crops plus poplar and Sugarcane

Seed Hawk:
increased speed
increased capacity
colour choice
standard crops plus poplar and sugarcane

Great Plains drill:
increased speed
increased capacity
standard crops plus sugarcane and poplar.


BK Nation Modding, Giants Software


Commented on 2018-11-22 18:04:23

Nice Mod. It loaded in Nitrado server with 27 issues, But it worked.
Issues..not really bad at all just spaces not recommended :

Space character not recommended in filename: 'Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 19/data/shaders/vehicleShader.xml'

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Commented on 2018-11-24 03:13:04

works great for me , but did notice that horsch does not have the canola in the list to plant.

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