Painting a grass texture now adds grass in the first growth stage.
Added a filling percentage for tools and vehicles.
Added a name for the crops/seed/fertilizer inside the tool/vehicle.
Added a default mapping for Logitech MOMO Racing Wheel
Added a new sensitivity control to the adjusted analog gamepad steering
Bug fixes
Fixed bales desynchronization issues in Multiplayer
Fixed bought bales spawning beneath the map
Fixed BGA pricing and unloading issues
Fixed various LUA errors on dedicated servers
Fixed a blocking issue with the Goldhofer rear part.
Fixed a blocking issue when Alt-tabbing with a wheel connected.
Fixed an issue where animals kept producing even if they didn’t have any food or water.
Fixed an issue where bales vanished after tabbing away from the train on a dedicated server
Painting over the same texture will no longer cost money
Fixed issues with Fanatec Clubsport V3 and T-Pedals mappings
Fixed issues related to the low collision of Ninja pipe
Fixed an issue caused by any steering wheel/gear shifter when using landscaping.
Fixed several localization issues
Fixed an issue where cruise control didn’t work properly when using steering wheel and pedals
Fixed an issue where key picture was missing before PAN MAP on map overview
G27 mapping names should now display properly.
Various sound improvements
Various improvements, game balancing and fixes for vehicles and gameplay

1 Downloads in
6 years ago

z tym patchem stracilem zapis gry gdzie mialem przegrane prawie 100h i mialem tego bardzo duzo a patch sprawil ze zaczely mi znikac budynki i pojazdy
This patch does break CP from working.
it is normal for a patch (2Gb) to change the whole game
а что он не устанавливается требует русскую версию игры фс19. так итак установлена русская версия.
There's nothing new that I don't already have thanks to mods, and if this patch messes with Courseplay it's a hard no for now.
This patch wont install, I have the steam edition of FS19 and the installer does not recognise it and thus refuses to install :(
this is a crap update once u update ur game u can not place ur house or if u save ur game with a placed house it deletes the house
This mod reduces the amount of server games for multiplayer
You can DL the 1.2 patch that comes in the new game version and it resets what this mod did back to the way it was before you installed it. You may lose some stuff tho.
If you opt into beta on steam you can update to 1.3 click on FS 19 in steam go to properties then go to the tab conveniently named beta. and you can chose what version of the game you wish to install.
I is to bad that this patch breaks things. I sure hope they can figure it out.
ignore the word beta, and you will be reminded....... snap out of it people. just because it is posted does not mean you should download it, beta versions are not for people that do not understand what BETA means.....
kinda like fee simple and ownership, everyone in society are not owners they are trustees, read law of property act, and settled lands act, yet this is ignored, look around you!.
Nekomunikuje s coursplazerem
for God's sake stop complaining this a a beta the reason they said it's a beta so you can find a bug or problem with the game and report it to the developers so they can fix as much problems as possible in the next patch, even a triple A developers release a beta patch so they let people test it to cover many different PC configuration as our platform is diverse with many pc parts
bonjour le path 1.3 c'est une horreur plante tout le jeux il n'est mèmes plus sur giant officiel donc une dob en puissance
hello the path 1.3 it is a horror plant all the game it is memes more on official giant so a dob in power
bonjour le path 1.3 c'est une horreur plante tout le jeux il n'est mèmes plus sur giant officiel donc une dob en puissance
hello the path 1.3 it is a horror plant all the game it is memes more on official giant so a dob in power.
remettre le 1.2 est plus de problèmes .put back the 1.2 is more problems
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