READ: located in misc... okay you dont have to read any more if you dont want to Lol.
I've seen the great banshee in a lot of youtube videos and i thought that was pretty awesome! So in appreciation to the Youtubers i re-textured the banshee, and made a phantom!
OH, whatever you do DONT flip it over PLS!!! but the textures are pretty cool! Have fun and DONT flip it over,
oh to go higher scroll right, and to lower go left.
Thanks to Lambo and Langh Productions
Have fun!
Spartan756, great! I don't know where to attach the cultivator?
Go into GE u should find it there
Many thanks Spartan.
cant you make the FDR helicoter for logging please tanks to you
cant you make the FDR helicopter for logging please tanks to you
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