Flying Ka-26 public beta for Farming simulator 19
Work in progress. No spray yet only the flying bit.
find it in misc for now
Video: click_here

1 Downloads in
4 years ago

I can see an Antonov in the background! hope that comes out too!
Sorry, maybe I`m too stupid. How can I levitate? By mouse it dosn`t lift.
Try J and N on keyboard
Sorry J and N dosn`t work. Thx for the answer.
use a controller to fly it
I don`t have a controller. Only mouse and keyboard. Thx . I wait for a working version for keyboard and mouse.
oh hell yeah!
Error and Callstack! 2020-11-26 15:03 Warning: Loading file with invalid case 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Farming Simulator 2019/DataS.gar'.
2020-11-26 15:03 Error: Object initialization only allowed at compile time
2020-11-26 15:03 LUA call stack:
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2020-11-26 15:03 dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (37) : InitStaticObjectClass
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2020-11-26 15:03 dataS/scripts/ve
awsome mod,,thank you
to fly find a big open space and drive forward you will eventually lift up
Thank god that not the way they fly in real life LMAO
Sorry but that was the first thought that came to mind when I saw this mod, don't take it personal.
He was slow today reuploading the mods from Farming Sims site. But when he goes up to face judgement in the Shky he is fair fucked - "did you ever steal Tommy". I swear I didnt, "what about all those mods Tommy, you stole them didnt you?" "no then fell onto my website and I gave all the money I made from them to charity" "did you now Tommy, hold on there a sec" PULLS LEVER AND TOMMY FALLS THROUGH THE CLOUDS DOWNWARDS
mouse button left CLIMB
mouse button right DESCEND according to author
wtf... i don't want to even begin with the fact that you spelt "travelers" wrong.
doesn't lift up or down
where can you find the plane thats in shed in video?
sorry for the guys it won't work I will post fix soon
also got sideways translation figured out so another version in the making
Good job. Can you get rid of the forward pitch and upwards lift when accelerating with a gas pedal instead of the 'w' key?
More people whining about a stolen mod, and yet, no proof of where it was stolen from, no credit to whom it was stolen from, and no link to the original. It is like arguing from a 9-year-old's perspective: "you stole!" ***runs away before anything can be said back***
Good mod, would be better if I could control the height with buttons other than W and S
right, and it's like saying how your mom was out with some strange man last night and they... oh wait... i wasn't supposed to tell you that. fcuk.
great, thanks. One question, can you do please the stunting and descending to control with the joystick, it would be great to be able to control the helicopter completely with controls
working on it but for now wired xbox controller is a must
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