Peecon Global Company AutoLoad By BOB51160 v2.0.0.0


BONJOUR a tous. Aujourd'hui, je vous présente le Peecon Global Company AutoLoad. CAPACITE: 64000 l. Pour plus de renseignement voir les photos ci joint. Je vous souhaite bon jeu a tous et a bientot. BOB51160.

HELLO to all. Today, I present to you the Peecon Global Company AutoLoad. CAPACITY: 64000 l. For more information see the attached photos. I wish you all a good game and see you soon. BOB51160.

Hallo an alle. Heute präsentiere ich Ihnen die Peecon Global Company AutoLoad. KAPAZITÄT: 64000 l. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf den beigefügten Fotos. Ich wünsche Ihnen allen ein gutes Spiel und bis bald. BOB51160.


BOB51160 / MAX51160/ Modder Rolf / sperrgebiet

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Besides screwing up the title, and and adding a terrible texture, what have you done?

At least add some references where you stole the mod. The original convert to FS19 from me is here:

And the original modder from FS17 version is Modder Rolf.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Hey didn't you see your name on the credits, so what are you complaining about?

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