Here is the original ideal with small changes.
He now drives 45 km / h and has a grain tank of 45000 l.
If you do not need it, do not load it and make meaningless comments. Thanks

2 Downloads in
6 years ago

You have an option to NOT read comments. You post your mods on a publicly and free forum, expect people to comment. Get over yourself buttercup. Any idiots with half a sense of editing xml files, or downloading the Giants editor can take the stock equipment and tweak it.
This is Simulator - not fucking joke
Then you wonder why we stop uploading mods. Good luck playing the game without mods!! That's why your here dumbass... To get mods..... Lol
We are here to make fun of the dipshits who are here modding others work, or exporting stock and putting colors on them. Ooohhh Ahhhh lookie....mommie...I can read and use a text editor and a free giants editor. Tinman, dipshits like you don't know what modding is. How about creating something from a fresh new ideal, instead of tweaking something that 15+ people already have. If you are coming here to download teaked stock shouldn't be any authority on anything numbnuts.
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