- Added selectable collision on sprayer arms (cost penalty when disabling collision)
- Lowered center of mass = less likely to make your truck/trailer tip over.
- Adjusted base price.
Based on the JD 4045 sprayer by KMN modding (with permission).
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To see my other mods, go visit www.modsby5nine.tk
if you wanna support my work, feel free to donate on PayPal.Me/modsby5nine
Would be nice to get back to mods of realistic farm equipment. You know, equipment that gets used on a farm and isn't for the show room. I like the sprayer but please can we get over the "it has to have a showroom paint job" thing. Apart from that, I like the mod.
@5nine -- Any plans to make a slurry spreader like this? Something along the lines of the Premium Integral II ? Large capacity tank with broad boom reach, please?
For Koshi above (He sincerely deserves this!!):
Please STOP being a 'cynical' Twat to Mod Developers who are very kindly supplying mods at their expense in cost and time, FREE OF CHARGE for US to use or NOT use - this is a game NOT REAL LIFE you prat, give them a break. If you do NOT like the mod you are looking at, or think it is "NOT REAL A REAL SHOWROOM PAINT JOB etc" (of course it isn't you silly gotten dick - it's a frigging representation of a frigging GAME). So PLEASE piss off
Max working speed is 14 km/h :(
Great mod 5nine keep up the great work
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