John Deere 6R Black Edition v1.0.1


- Michelin, Michelin Wide and Michelin Wide + Weight
- Mitas Breit and Mitas + weight
- Log absolutely clean

John Deere 6R Black Edition 6230R 6250R 6250R Black Edition + 60hp + 300Nm

Here is the update 1.0.1 of my John Deere 6R Black Edition available ...
He got Michelin, Michelin Wide and Michelin Wide + Weight and the same from the Mitas ...
The log is absolutely clean now ...
More comes later;)
Also planned are 7R Black Edition and 8R Black Edition ...
In the course of time, something new is always coming!
We're just at the beginning;)
Have fun with it, wishes, etc., let me just come along;)



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