Engine: 8100, 8200, 8300, 8400, 8110, 8210, 8310, 8410
Tire: Standard, weight, wide, wide weight , dual back, dual all.
Price: 72000€
Power: 179-270 hp

1 Downloads in
5 years ago

Very Nice! Pat you're self on the back my friend.
No follow me?
Mod is not compatibil with courseplay!! Reason is interactiv control.
OK thank you
"Mod is not compatible with courseplay!! Reason is interactive control". There is more to it than IC, because I have (2) over vehicles that have IC, and they are running just fine with Course Play, (v6_01_00295).
With CP, this tractor crashes the game, and wipes out your save-game files. So make sure you're backed up.
what are thos 2 mods what work with courseplay
This is one of them, I can't remember the other I was using, I think someone had added IC to a combine. I've used this JD 6R with CP on my last (2) maps.
Nice looking tractor, but I can't part with CP, its used too much on every map I farm.
If you can't fix it to run with CP, you might want to think about releasing a version that has ni "IC" controls.
maybe will be version without ic, this was with ic version for my dedicated server, i must realise it becouse some asshol who stole it try realise it, so i must do it. I hope i will make new ic ore cp to work. Thank you.
CP mod now work, i put new ic and use LAST version of CP and change some specs in moddesc, now work on fendt and ond john deere, soon new versions.
Its courseplay I had It delete 2 of my saves so don,t get course play
I lost to many saved games, that is why I started backing up my save games. I used to do it manually, but then I came across this awesome app Dashboard...
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