Kenworth W900 v1.0.0.2


Kenworth w900 with Single, double, triple axle Day cabs & a double axle sleeper cab
Converted from fs17 and new materials applied system applied.
Authors: Chrisu70, 4mr, Expendables Modding


Chrisu70, 4mr, Expendables Modding


Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Uploaded the zip with a folder in it by mistake. Sorry!

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Reply comment on 2021-05-25 07:18:57

Hey so when i down loaded this mod it shows up in the down loaded mods in the main menu but when i try to get on a world it doesn't show up

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

gr8 mod u need to unpack the zip file first to work

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

hey love the truck its awesome but i cant get it to work in multiplayer am i missing something

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Quite like this mod. It would be nice for the tridrives to have an additional option in the customization page to move the fifth wheel forward, Seems a bit light on the steering loaded

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

LOVE THIS TRUCK, Thank You So much, keep up the good work

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

love this truck but can't figure out how to take the folder out of the shared fold for the light beams to get it to work wile ziped so i can use it in multi player if someone has advise or knows how to would love upload or explained how to

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Can someone help me, no matter what I do this mod doesn't show up in game...… I unpacked the zip folder like it states above and then rezipped all the files that it unpacked and it still wont work. HELP????

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

The code is awesome in this mod :)

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

on this down load you can't have it in a zip file you have to have it unziped in your mod folder for it to work thats why you cant use it in multi player right now

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

@LAMBOCOMM Thanks! To bad I was a dumb dumb and zipped it up wrong in a rush haha

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

we all make mistakes and the ones who can't figure out how to fix it to use in multi player can wait patiently for an update so we can and be happy we get to use it in career mode love the truck cant wait for update or something when you get the chance!!!

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

hey can you fix your truck for server or multiplayer
would be really great

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

you should add a jake break you should also make like a outlaw one were the seat is lower the interior has stuff like a wood steering whell that would look sharp you should do that

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

I love the look of the sun visor on the outside of the windscreen, however, when using the internal camera view, the visor covers a large proportion of the windscreen which makes it impossible to drive! Is there a way to stop this?

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Commented on 2021-05-25 23:21:34

This mod won't work for me even though i unzipped the folder :(

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