Kenworth T800 dump truck with options
Game: Farming simulator 19
This mod is made by (4MR). Enjoy!

1 Downloads in
4 years ago

Kenworth T800 dump truck with options
Game: Farming simulator 19
This mod is made by (4MR). Enjoy!
Daddy Rory
video isnt even of the dumptruck
Nothing but garbage has Tom's of lua call stacy errors and the damn thing dont have a attacher on the back and it dumps so wierd and you have to keep backing up just to get more material to come out. Waste of time
So glad I dont have to pay for this mod anymore thanks for sharing
Oh look another patron mod why you have to take people money every month just to put shity mods out that are full of errors
Dude, The real 4MR didn't post this, so quit hating and just chill
Well if he wouldn't treat 78% of this community the way he does he wouldn't get so much hate
Mom (sob) the other kids are being mean to me again (sob) ...make them stop.
another one of 4mr's shitty mods , he should leave his designing to the kids in the sand box they can do a much better job!
Ya 4MR released this here, that little bitch is trying to start shit with people who actually make decent mods, Fuck Rory, and fuck the people supporting him
Has errors and holds 25 000 liters and is the biggest looser in this community who thinks he knows it all and 4mr modding and mapping (rory Kain) can suck a dick and I'm so glad I'm not a member of his patron no more not worth paying 20$ a month for
So to the leaker of this mod thanks for sharing and god bless you
Fuck 4mr modding (rory kain)
this stuff sonds like shit to me
we could make beter shit then this. But I am going to try it.
I will tell you guys after.
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