I spent some time to fix the errors on this trailer,in the end I succeeded.This is the final version!
Price: 36030€
Colors option Chasis option
Colors Base option
Colors wheels Option
Change wheels Option
- autoload for 72 roundBales, 52 squarebales and 3 squarecotton bales
- support 6 jdCotton roubdBale
- missionPallets 36,eggBoxes
- color configuration for rims, trailer and flatbed
- selectable cover decal ,Kogel,Cocacola,Haineken,Jack Daniels.
- new wheels (Lizard,Nokian,)
- connectors for hoses in front
- trailer hitch back
- steering axle
Select the cover configuration you want KOGEL, COCA-COLA, HEINEKEN, JACK DANIELS.to show you cover after you buy press "N" key.
and the double wheels
i like the mod from kogel
can you make the Agricultural tire and the cover from fendt on it
beau travail .domage qu elle ne charge pas les board palettes correctement . merci
Works great but I wish there was a shorter version
the trailer has major issues when connecting 2 or more trailers vid posted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REQ79RYk5Cg&feature=youtu.be
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