Added Silo Extension to increase capacity and keep things somewhat realistic with having multiple graineries. Credits also go to Pandahma as it was his Large Multi Silo mod I added this addition too. So this now is a complete Large Silo storage with Silo Extension capabilities. Will store the following types "wheat barley oat maize canola potato sugarBeet sugarCane sunflower manure lime seeds pigFood woodChips soybean dryGrass_windrow Grass_windrow straw chaff fertilizer silage".
- 2 Downloads in
6 years ago
I get uploaded file is corrupted when trying to upload to my server
Invalid UTF-8 encoding in moddesc.xml. Convert moddesc.xml to UTF-8 if what I see when I add this to my server manually.
Not sure why, first time I've uploaded so maybe I did something wrong. Also Extension has 200,000 capacity on it.
I fixed the issue. I had to remove the de language portion in the moddesc.xml. I run English, so may have been a conflict?
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