Lizard Auger Master v1.0.2.0


The Lizard Auger Master was designed to allow easy refilling of working vehicles, from lime spreaders, and manure spreaders, to seeders, and fertilizers. The rear-mounted auger lets you get into position easily, without disrupting your worker's concentration. The Lizard Auger Master can also be pulled behind a forage harvester, for convenient in-between storage while your hauler is away returning goods. With Lizard's advanced auger design, you can auger a wide range of fruits, including potatoes* and sugarbeets.

- New: Added field-safe narrow wheel options for Nokian and Trelleborg tyres
- New: Increase length of pin-hitch connector, to work with Case IH Austoft 8800
- Improved: Add additional fill types, to accomodate custom fruits (fill type now "bulk" category)
- New: Add small fire extinguishers to help with fires caused by woodchips, and other unknown fruits, getting stuck in mechanism

- Supports all bulk category fill types
- Rear-mounted auger, for easier access to load and unload
- Supports ball, pin-hitch, or semi attachment
- Boom-mounted spotlight (attached to reverse worklight switch) to light up unload destination
- Optional fill-level light, to easily see how full the storage is from a distance (off for empty, green for less than 50%, yellow until 1,000L left, then red). Useful for AI-driven tasks.
- AI not allowed to reverse trailer, since they're not very good at it, so they'll do U-turns instead
- Steering axles for better turning
- Seven different tyre choices, including two field-safe narrow tyre options
- Large range of colours
- Beacon light!

*Note: Some potatoes may be sliced into french fries, if they hit the auger just right, but your customer probably won't notice

Price: $88,000 ($99,000 for semi-truck version)
Capacity: 43,000L (60,000 for semi-truck version)



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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21


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