This are two modified versions of the CaseIH / New Holland 3162 Draper and Rosteselmash Draper Stream 900 cutters to makle it fit better to other brands. I added body color configuration, selectable logos and color for rims and republished it under the Lizard brand.
3162 Draper 45ft
Working width: 13.7m / 45ft
Working speed: 10 km/h
Price: 89,900 € / $
-decals (none, Fendt, John Deere, Claas, Massey Ferguson, New Holland, Case IH)
-color selection for cutter (two-tone)
-color choice for rims
Draper Stream 900
Working width: 9m / 29.5ft
Working speed: 10 km/h
Price: 58,500 € / $
-decals (none, Fendt, John Deere, Claas, Massey Ferguson, New Holland, Case IH, Rostselmash)
-color selection for cutter (two-tone)
-color choice for rims

1 Downloads in
5 years ago

This pack as already been done by Iconik with same brands and colors options but with more width choices (and it includes the corn headers as well)
and what ? The pack made by iconik is better and more complete that this one from official modhub. So this new one pack is useless. I just mentionned it. Do whatever you want,I don't care.
lol, do you even understand the meaning of the words you are writting ? Kids will never stop to amaze me ! lol
You do care, you melted so fast you forgot to put your limited IQ in a small glass
I have got a good fan base :)
LMAO a good fan base where? most people can't stand you on here your just a ignorant know it all little fish in a very big pond.
Your a horrible bastard full stop.
You spend so much time commenting on somebody you "hate". That is so lovely ^^ Keep going kid.
Iconik is a JOKE. I'd rather use JHHG's stuff before that lame ass fool
Basically this mod is the same than the pack from Iconik but under Lizard brand and with less cutting units choice. I don't see any "joke" here.
like the others have been saying, no one wants you around. and to correct you, it's "never ceases to amaze" you really are a dumb fuck.
Take your face for a shit you horrible bastard and if you can't see any joke here try looking in the mirror.
And you think your comments would affect me in any way ? guys, come on... Maybe your opinion counts in your mom basement, but not in here or anywhere else. I really don't need your approval to be here and comment any post I want :) In fact, I find all of this, very entertaining.
@@Ricobab : Si tu pouvais avoir ne serait ce que 10% de mon niveau en français, je serais déjà impressionné. Te branler dans les culottes de ta mère sera sans doute la plus grande réussite de ta vie.
please sort this shit mod out. if your going to have retractable wheels make sure they bloody retract properly, unusable dross
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