*Release: MacDon PW8 Pick-Up*
I know it doesn't give the crop you harvested it gives wheat but there is no way to fix that, at least of my knowledge. Hope it doesn't ruin anything!
1. Regular (Straw)
2. Forage (Hay, Grass)
*Release: MacDon PW8 Pick-Up*
I know it doesn't give the crop you harvested it gives wheat but there is no way to fix that, at least of my knowledge. Hope it doesn't ruin anything!
1. Regular (Straw)
2. Forage (Hay, Grass)
killerrf, Dimitri14, Convert to 19: VG Modding
I kNoW iT dOeSn'T gIvE tHe CrOp YoU hArVeStEd It GiVeS wHeAt yada yada yada. Omfg, why tf did you release this garbage if you know it was garbage to begin with? holy fuck, learn to mod you hacks!
Shut the fuck up! you are the garbage here!
awww so cute! keyboard warriors always make me laugh! xDDDD
Fuck those keyboard warriors dude, we need to stand up against modders releasing trash mods. That would be DYN-0-MITE!!
Shut your bitching ass up
And this is why we dont have nice things
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