Mack Granite Semi Oversize Load Truck v1.0.0.0


The Mack Granite, not to be confused with the Mack Andesite, is a pretty cool truck. Even better with oversize load flags and banners. I think there's only one banner but it sounds better when plural in that context. Anyway, it's a truck.


SomeExistite, WMF, Delbert Modding

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Commented on 2021-08-07 03:45:44

Love that this gets almost 3 times as many downloads on the site I didn't post it to. Though, I do wonder why the things I thought wouldn't succeed are the ones that do.

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WMF Modding
Reply comment on 2021-08-16 04:16:28

Not sure why you are posting other people's work to begin with.

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