With this mod you need to get out of the vehicle to attach or detach implement / trailer.
- drive vehicle to implement, get out and move to attacherjoint
- you will see attaching markers
- you also need to manually attach PTO.
- you need to detach PTO first before detach implement
- you can switch between 3 mods of attaching (Manually only, Inside vehicle only and Both Manually / Insid)
- if PTO is not connected, implement cant be turned on / start tipping
- you can show / hide current MA mode in F1 help menu
Attach / detach implement - "KEY_q"
Attach / detach PTO - "KEY_x"
Toglle mode - "KEY_lshift KEY_a"
Show / hide mode in help menu - "KEY_lctrl KEY_a"
If you find any errors or issues, let me know in comments or to kenny456@seznam.cz and i will fix it in next version.
It does not work with me. When I start the game, I choose only manual attaching mod and click start. When the game loads, I click start. At this moment the charging screen freezes. after clicking ESC the menu appears, but after exiting it the message "Game stopped" appears and nothing can be done.
OK it's working but on a new save :(
Does not matter it's working. Another mod was doing this problem. Good job, try do manual attaching to hoses system separately :)
For us American users, what is "KEY" ? Not sure what key to press for that.
It's not working for me. I believe it is a mod conflict. Anyone know of any mods that this is not compatible with?
Joi59: Have you any errors in log?
Kahtar: thats just the way game maps the keys, ie. KEY_lshift,a means LSHIFT+A
It dont work, crashes the game
Deltabravo: can you copy errors from log here please
dont work no matter wat button u punch
@kenny456 Hi! I have a problem with script. When I try manually detach PTO, I can't do this. "ERROR: Running LUA method 'update' ; (LOCALIZATION)/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_ManualAttaching.lua:438: attempth to call method 'onEndTip' (a nil value)". In vehice works normal, but manually, i can't do this.
Jack: thanks for your reply, i know about this error and i am working on it...
in my comp ist this error
Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
C:/Users/donpa/Documents/MyGames/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_ManualAttaching/ManualAttaching.lua:491: attempt to index field 'ma' (a nil value)
Application exit request forced.
Donpaul75: Thank you. In what situation and with what vehicles this error apear?
So i fixed following 4 errors:
-line 58: when you start new game as farm manager or start from scratch
-line 438: when detaching PTO from trailer with PTO function
-line 250: when start tipping with trailer with PTO function and no PTO attached
-line 271: when attaching two conveyor belt (or any with driveable spec)
Did anybody else found any other error please? Before i release fixed version.
2019-03-24 22:49 dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/AttacherJoints.lua(637) : attempt to call method 'getAttacherVehicle' (a nil value)
2019-03-24 22:49 Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
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