NMC 320 Excavator v1.0.0.0


NMC 320 Excavator will get the job done really quick together with the R6 Rototilt and matching size bucket.

The 320 excavator and the R6 rototilt is compitable with all attachments created for the Huddig 1260E as well.

320 Excavator

Price: 210.000$

Power: 275 hp

Max Speed: 5.1 km/h

Cab config

Beacon light config

3D track (+track claw option)

Safetybar config

Color options

R6 Rototilt

Price: 17.000$

Hydraulic Grading Bucket

Price: 10.300$

Grading Bucket

Price: 7.900$


North Modding Company

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Commented on 2021-08-11 18:07:00

Another great mod thank you for making it and all your time

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Commented on 2021-08-11 18:30:36

Thank you, you have always made us happy with good mods.

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Commented on 2021-08-13 17:47:24

Great mod i only hope dat thecontroll can be fixt

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