Photo Box v1.0


This is a placeable box to create storepics. The box can be found in the category 'misc'.
You must create a flat terrain first.
The box has one open side, but hasn't any collisions.

Dies ist eine platzierbare Box, um Storebilder zu machen. Zu finden im der Kategorie 'Divers.'
Ihr müsst zuerst aber das Gelände planieren.
Die Box hat eine offene Seite, ist aber ohne Kollisionen versehen.


DasAlex ModdingWelt

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

Color me stupid but what is a store pic ?

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

When you are looking through all the vehicles/equipment in the Shop each one has a picture. This special box is designed to help modders take those pictures so they look similar to how Giants' own pics appear. The modder then includes the pic inside their mod so it look more like the FS19 menu style.

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