Contains over 35 vehicles and equipment from the CLAAS product range. These include the following vehicles and equipment: ARION 660-610, AXION 870-800, AXION 960-920, XERION 5000-4000, TUCANO 580, JAGUAR 960 TT, CARGOS 760, ROLLANT 455, DISCO 1100 C, DISCO 3600 FC and more.
Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Turkish, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Russian, Romanian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean.
This extension is compatible with the Windows version (incl. Steam) and Mac OS X version (incl. Mac App Store) of Farming Simulator 19 (update to current version might be necessary).
- 1 Downloads in
5 years ago
Hahaha! Go ahead and by this shit! 20 euros, and all it gives is some new vehicles... Yeah, call me new, or twat waffle, or what ever you like, but THIS IS JUST BULLSHIT!!!
what were you expecting ? what do you think should be in dlc?
Oh, what do I expect?!? For a start... Much lower price for DLCs for this unfinished game. Second... I would expect the game to finished before any PLATINUM editions. If you call any fucking dlc PLATINUM EDITION, then you are so fucking lost in game industry
And third... It would be very nice to get all my wasted money back, starting from 2008, because this game has gone NOWHERE. Without mods, this game would be absolutely NOTHING. I have waited for Giants to finally get it, but no... They think it's good, so it's good... And you kids believe it's good. (Farming SIMULATOR?) Just poor fucking arcade, always been.
But go ahead, BUY IT! Be happy!
c'est vrai farming sans vous les moddeurs,n'est pas grand pense surtout au niveau des cartes,il n'y a jamais eu de vraies bonnes maps dans les coffrets pour une ciquantaine d'euros c'est cher...Mais c'est Farming on l'aime ou pas.Donc gloire aux moddeurs,à leur talents,à leur patience.Mille merci.N'oublions jamais qu'ils ne sont pas obliger de partager
most off them you can find already for free, so nope they don"r see my money
@Caamo : So, why do you play FS ? Do you like to hurt yourself or something ?
Tell us how you really feel! I do agree somewhat with you though, just seems they (Giants) don't try hard enough. I'd just like some decent American maps, not this chopped up EU hobby farming BS.
@RICOBAB The reason i play this game is... I have about 650 mods, and with them this game is mostly fun. But if you ask if I'm going to buy any more dlcs or some other way give more money to Giants, the answer is no. I like to play this game hard modded, as realistic as it could be. This game is playable, thanks to all real modders, Realismus etc... Without mods I wouldn't even piss on this game
for someone who moans and groans, you sure are on here quite a bit......maybe someone who just cannot get along with anyone? I play the game to relax on the weekends, or during the week at night when sleep eludes me.
Very interesting analysis. You must be so popular with everyone, so you know exactly how poorly I get a long with everyone. I think I should call you an expert from now on... It really was the whole point of this dlc thing... I play this game only to be annoyed of everything, not to relax at all... Just for my torture...
@caamo i completely agree with you, this bs giants is doing is, well........ bs. we also didn't even get a new map like they have in previous "official expansion #2's". this dlc was just to please the claas fanboys and charging them the same amount as the previous expansions without a map. so you are getting less for more......... that doesn't sound right, it sounds like giants is getting smarter....... in the worse way possible. they are becoming like every other game producer out there, hoping
to score more bucks for less stuff. its funny, because there was were claas combines mod that was released a couple weeks ago........ FOR FREE!!!! and a whole bunch of modders have already released mods of claas for FREE already. so i don't know why giants made one when we already have FREE claas mods. is this dlc just for the whinny console players? they seem to cry the most when it comes to anything with this game. but back on the topic of the dlc, its dumb why they called it platinum edition,
when there was a FS17 PLATINUM EDITION!!! come on giants, let's not get generic and lazy on the titling of the expansion. they could've named it gold edition, but no, let's use the same name twice in a row, cuz they don't know what else to call it, i mean they only had two years to come up with it, we mustn't rush them!!!!!! (heavy sarcasm) .... lmfao, giants just gets funnier and funnier every year with their buggy releases, i can predict fs21 will be even buggier than the fs19 debut. prepare f
for the impact boys, just prepare....... honestly, just don't even waste your time on fs21, i am happy with being on fs19. can't take this buggy bs any longer, WE ARE NOT YOUR GUINEA PIGS GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!! that is pretty going to every game maker out there, but alas, we always be guinea pigs, cuz game makers are getting lazier and lazier, cuz of their dedicated fan base to keep them going. sad, but true.
to all of you who piss and moan about paying for DLC and the game in general, I have a tip for ya, DONT PLAY THE GAME! Its a choice you all have. If your going to rant all the time then just simply stop playing, its really that simple. All games today have some form of DLC that you have to purchase so get over it already. This game is one of the most stress free games out there so please don't turn it into something its not, just relax and play as it was intended to be played. No one is forcing
fook u, i will play this game and complain about if i feel like it. we are giving giants our complaints to hopefully make it better. that's what criticism is dude, and don't be telling us to not play the game, who made you my parent? lmfao, get outta here homo.
Hello I totally agree.
FB is relaxation especially with friends in multi.
Just a pity about your bad word. But be forgiven.
You hurt other people with that.
It isn't "Unfinished" you fucking tard... Also, we're ALL sick and tired of your fucking whining. GO AWAY. Go read a book stupid.
This game is far from finished. Even all these mods doesn't help it enough. I think I have right to say my opinion, you don't have to read it, or be that child who gets it too hard. I'm sick of Giants thinking they can just leave this game as it is, and ask more money for nothing. If I have some critic to say, I fcking say it! You go make some silage and shut the fck up!
you know some day some ones gonna pirate this dlc so no one will have to pay for it :/
It seems that some of you complaining dont yet realize there is no shame in admitting that maybe FS isn't for you, there are hundreds of other games out there, perhaps they are more your speed.
@SUOMI FINNISH... No jos tykkää pelata yksin... ;)
salut a tous les français merde alors mdr .bon j’étais très partager sur le platinium mais après de longues heures de comparaison avec tous les mods class déjà disponible et ma conclusion est la suivante : une foule de détails sur toutes les machines rende ce pack unique et indispensable pour les fanes de la marque ,le réalismes des tracteurs des moissonneuse et ensileuse et hallucinant bravo si seulement tous les véhicules disponibles des autres marques étaient aussi pousses ce serais le t
@NAME Peace and lots of rainbows and flowers to you, hippie! Some of us like well polished games, some of you like to play candy crush and be happy... But it's great to see there are still people who just accepts everything with a smile...
j’espère que prochainement ou dans un futur proche nous auront plus de cultures mais surtout un ajout des fruit et légumes et surtout la possibilité de transformer les produit de base en farine beurre fromage vins etc voila une idée qui serrait bonne a vos tablette les programmeurs de focus et giant .
lol @caamo, people are getting so triggered by us, its hilarious xD
ah the winners have been unleached makes for great reading how this suck the F*** up and either play or don't play the game yes this game could be better on the developers end but at the same time their are thousands of mods out there to make the game better for the individual gamer. so please keep up the crying while I enjoy the game and a coffee while reading your petty comic comments
Did you buy the dlc already? Please tell us all how much you enjoy playing with those "new" vehicles. It sure was fun to read your sad comment, and see how much you try to be funny ;)
@LOL - So you are playing the game with this great platinum edition, and same time reading our comments with cup of coffee? Must be real lonely life... I can imagine those crocodile tears falling down on your cheeks... Hope you get some friends some day...
WOW, The level of maturity in this thread is outstanding. Yall must be proud to be professional trolls. Some of you need to grow up while others have decent points but are just going the wrong way about it, And to the individual who replied to my last post with "We are giving Giants our complaints", Well here is a thought, GO TO THERE SITE TO DO THAT...LOL. Do you really believe anyone from Giants is reading this thread? Of course you do...LMAO
Why you even bother reading these comments then? Do you actually think you were acting mature now? It seems you are just some teenage boy, trying to be smart... but you stumbled upon your own words...
Already cracked...
I agree with CAAMO, Giants could do a lot more for the money they charge. If not for the Mods the game would be pretty boring. Giants relying too much on individual gamers to make the game exciting. In the past special edition releases included upgraded features and sometimes Maps, not just a bunch vehicles and equipment that should have probably been included with the original software. Giants is using the modding community big time and provides nothing in return for their work.
this dlc is awesome
what else was added to the Platinum edition besides the Claas brand?
did they add the previous dlc packs aswell?
Giants wont get a dollar out of me til they add more to the kinze/Great Plains/CaseIH brand!
@bork poopy, its just claas they probs wont add anything else interesting. @acmeacres1 is big noob lmfao.
I totally agree CAAMO. Farming Simulator wouldn't exist with out Mods or DLC specifically the Mods. or its popularity. Just think about how boring FS19 would be with NO Mods. if you can stand to play FS with out mods - THEN WTF are you here saying anything at all. with or without you...this thread isn't about YOU.
there is no winner in a debate from cyber space...hard to tell who the fool is. how fucking naïve are you Trolls. Naïve and Deceived go together like peas and carrots.
fukk yo self ni66a, this dlc fukkin sux yo, if anyone is naive here, its u ni66a. u is a fool, bich
toxic comms
Grow up its just a game
Grow up its just a game , you say this you say that but end of the day your comment means nothing
^^by the end of the your comment means nothing either gae boi............
you all are a bunch of fuck stains lol
Maybe instead of complaining or raving about the dlc, maybe so good modder could build a script to add more volume to the 8900 combine. Just saying.
pls learn how to spell first, then maybe i will take your comment more seriously. xD
Imagine getting all up tight over a game how sad you all are
This CAAMO Gay Boy that think's the game is so bad here's an idea, since @CAAMO is so brilliant make us a game that millions will enjoy plus add dlc's for it too, you will have plenty time to make it as you hate fs19 which means you won't be playing it.
@DEBBIE... If you are just a teenage girl, I would understand your gay-talk ;) But still not your stupidity... As I already said, I like to play this game just because of all the mods, not because of the Giants has made the game excellent... All these 600 to 700 mods makes this game playable. Now go change your tampon...
One third of the reviews (this PLATINUM expansion) are negative (in Steam) = Caamo is a gayboy? Wow! What a sparkling tinder-fat-fairy you must be...
Like wise to you
No! Debbie is my son! He just likes to dress like girls, and use little make-up now and then... Don't you dare call him a girl, or I'll get sad and cry... We both do cry a lot... I love you Debbie-boy!
I am what I am... And I think if someone doesn't play FS19, he has nothing else to do in his life... Just because i don't have anything else to do. I'm unemployed boy-biach, who likes to play a "daughter" with my father. So piss of all you big boys!
What a bunch of panzies complaining about the DLC and then downloading it for free. If it was as bad as you say then there wouldn't be any need to download a ripped off version. Yet you do and by doing so show your true colors. No better than the pirate who ripped it off.
Just a bunch of freeloaders that want everything for free and feel they're entitled to anything they want. I feel for you when life smacks you upside your pampered asses and you're stuck somewhere serving fries comp
What a bunch of panzies complaining about the DLC and then downloading it for free. If it was as bad as you say then there wouldn't be any need to download a ripped off version. Yet you do and by doing so show your true colors. No better than the pirate who ripped it off.
Just a bunch of freeloaders that want everything for free and feel they're entitled to anything they want. I feel for you when life smacks you upside your pampered asses and you're stuck somewhere serving fries comp
What a bunch of panzies complaining about the DLC and then downloading it for free. If it was as bad as you say then there wouldn't be any need to download a ripped off version. Yet you do and by doing so show your true colors. No better than the pirate who ripped it off.
Just a bunch of freeloaders that want everything for free and feel they're entitled to anything they want. I feel for you when life smacks you upside your pampered asses and you're stuck somewhere serving fries comp
What a bunch of panzies complaining about the DLC and then downloading it for free. If it was as bad as you say then there wouldn't be any need to download a ripped off version. Yet you do and by doing so show your true colors. No better than the pirate who ripped it off.
Just a bunch of freeloaders that want everything for free and feel they're entitled to anything they want. I feel for you when life smacks you upside your pampered asses and you're stuck somewhere serving fries comp
What a bunch of panzies complaining about the DLC and then downloading it for free. If it was as bad as you say then there wouldn't be any need to download a ripped off version. Yet you do and by doing so show your true colors. No better than the pirate who ripped it off.
Just a bunch of freeloaders that want everything for free and feel they're entitled to anything they want. I feel for you when life smacks you upside your pampered asses and you're stuck somewhere serving fries comp
What a bunch of panzies complaining about the DLC and then downloading it for free. If it was as bad as you say then there wouldn't be any need to download a ripped off version. Yet you do and by doing so show your true colors. No better than the pirate who ripped it off.
Just a bunch of freeloaders that want everything for free and feel they're entitled to anything they want. I feel for you when life smacks you upside your pampered asses and you're stuck somewhere serving fries comp
What a bunch of panzies complaining about the DLC and then downloading it for free. If it was as bad as you say then there wouldn't be any need to download a ripped off version. Yet you do and by doing so show your true colors. No better than the pirate who ripped it off.
Just a bunch of freeloaders that want everything for free and feel they're entitled to anything they want. I feel for you when life smacks you upside your pampered asses and you're stuck somewhere serving fries comp
What a bunch of panzies complaining about the DLC and then downloading it for free. If it was as bad as you say then there wouldn't be any need to download a ripped off version. Yet you do and by doing so show your true colors. No better than the pirate who ripped it off.
Just a bunch of freeloaders that want everything for free and feel they're entitled to anything they want. I feel for you when life smacks you upside your pampered asses and you're stuck somewhere serving fries comp
What a bunch of panzies complaining about the DLC and then downloading it for free. If it was as bad as you say then there wouldn't be any need to download a ripped off version. Yet you do and by doing so show your true colors. No better than the pirate who ripped it off.
Just a bunch of freeloaders that want everything for free and feel they're entitled to anything they want. I feel for you when life smacks you upside your pampered asses and you're stuck somewhere serving fries comp
What a bunch of panzies complaining about the DLC and then downloading it for free. If it was as bad as you say then there wouldn't be any need to download a ripped off version. Yet you do and by doing so show your true colors. No better than the pirate who ripped it off.
Just a bunch of freeloaders that want everything for free and feel they're entitled to anything they want. I feel for you when life smacks you upside your pampered asses and you're stuck somewhere serving fries comp
What a bunch of panzies complaining about the DLC and then downloading it for free. If it was as bad as you say then there wouldn't be any need to download a ripped off version. Yet you do and by doing so show your true colors. No better than the pirate who ripped it off.
Just a bunch of freeloaders that want everything for free and feel they're entitled to anything they want. I feel for you when life smacks you upside your pampered asses and you're stuck somewhere serving fries comp
What a bunch of panzies complaining about the DLC and then downloading it for free. If it was as bad as you say then there wouldn't be any need to download a ripped off version. Yet you do and by doing so show your true colors. No better than the pirate who ripped it off.
Just a bunch of freeloaders that want everything for free and feel they're entitled to anything they want. I feel for you when life smacks you upside your pampered asses and you're stuck somewhere serving fries comp
Who's downloading it for free? Take your head off the bush already
lol, you are such an attention whore debbie, and its sad how you had to fake your dad on a fukking game site to back you up. its sad really, go back to the corner tranny, no one believes you. xD
Stop it with the Debbie and Debbie's Dad imposters!!! Why are you stooping to that level Debbie??? Is it because you are transgender and can't find any other reason than stating that you are transgender??? Your gender is not a way to find attention, kid, do you see me stating my gender??? No, so why do you LGBTQ+ people have to be the center of attention of everything???!!!
hehehaha debbie = bich noob, hehe. no transgenders allowed
james = big fagot noob, lul i hate u panzi
Ain’t no rest for the triggered. Seems to be a shite ton of people getting super triggered over a silly game. So sad, rofl
why is it so quiet now?
Yes I do agree I would love to see some American maps AND American tractors. Mods make this game so much better since Giants can't
giants are complete garbage, except for the fact they created this game. They should just release the game without any vehicles or maps, and just let the modders do it instead, since the modders know what we want, giants doesn't seem to care one bit. fukk giants, luv modders.
Don't you think it's time we had conjunction with GIANTS & PLEASANT VALLEY modders
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