Hallo @all,
ich habe da für die jenigen, die gern Rundballen pressen, ein kleines Helfer Script. Mit diesem Script hält der Schlepper an und entleert die Presse automatisch. Desweiteren ist er festgesetzt, solang die Presse voll und an ist. Erkennt man an den Leuchteten Bremsleuchten.
Viel mehr gibts da nimmer zu asagen denk ich. Dieser Mod soll einfach das Rundballen pressen erleichtern, was er tut, wie ich find.
Viel Spaß mit dem Mod
MFG Ifko
- 1 Downloads in
6 years ago
and we all now german now or what lol
re-up plz... i can't register on that site
Just figured out if you are not German your shit out of luck to get this mod.
google will translate for u but they want u to create an acount to download it not doing that for one mod
Hello @ all,
I have a little helper script for those who like to squeeze round bales. With this script, the tug stops and empties the press automatically. Furthermore, it is fixed as long as the press is full and on. If one recognizes at the lights brake lights.
I do not think there is much more to do without. This mod is just to make it easier to squeeze round bales, which he does, as I find.
Have fun with the mod
MFG Ifko
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