Here for you a new silo plane
Since the old white has always disturbed me, I would like to create a new plan and that is the result
You only replace the old one under Farming Simulator 2019 / data / fillPlanes
But make sure of the old Kopi!

1 Downloads in
6 years ago

This is not your mod I am the creator and you did not ask if you can upload this here
This is Reddit..get used to your permission meaning nothing.
but that is not the original dl link from me
VIIDOXX93 post the original link
It's a simple dds file made from an image you can copy from google. the guy claiming he's the creator is thief. nobody cares about this file, they can make their own easily, viddox93 is a moron
are you stupid Whatever I have the same estellt which is on mienem pc and on the internet there is no other I have them moderately high load at workuplod who is a modklauer the you are
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