12 Row Kmc Ripper With Baskets Planter v1.0.0.0


1720 12 Row Planter Striptill Combo

12 Row Kmc Ripper With Baskets Planter

Enjoy. Wyatt Mods knocked it out the park.


Wyatt Mods

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Commented on 2022-01-09 00:05:06

Dont take long for someone to post others work. So sad

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Commented on 2022-01-09 13:29:34

Warning (E:/ModyFS22/FS22_KMC_12RowPlanterStriptill_PRIVATE/KMC_6800.xml): I3D file offers '41' objects, but '40' components have been loaded!
2022-01-09 12:28 Warning (E:/ModyFS22/FS22_KMC_12RowPlanterStriptill_PRIVATE/KMC_6800.xml): Overlapping translation parts for 'node: row_main' in animation 'moveSupport'
2022-01-09 12:28 Warning (E:/ModyFS22/FS22_KMC_12RowPlanterStriptill_PRIVATE/KMC_6800.xml): I3D file offers '41' objects, but '40' components have been loaded!
2022-01-09 12:28 Warning (E:/ModyFS22/FS22_KMC_12RowPlanterStriptill_PRIVATE/KMC_6800.xml): Overlapping translation parts for 'node: row_main' in animation 'moveSupport'

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