here is deep Belgium fs 22 that I converted be indulgent this is the first map any criticism will be good to take for the future
correction of the sheep collision problem trigger food put back in their place a very big update will be planned because I will start the map from zero to correct all the errors then for which weighed less heavy this is my first map have learned from its errors
description I left for the deep Belgium of fs19 that I converted with the novelties of fs 22 I hope you will like it many activities are to be done on a hike the wood the greenhouse adds crops such as alfalfa the bulls the calves two farms don an ETA cow pig sheep and hen are included a next version improvement is planned correction of sheep and pigs more collisions towards the sheep building a big update will be planned at the end of the year because I will start the map from scratch.
- 1 Downloads in
2 years ago
bonjour le declencheur du paturage a vache qui se trouve a la sortie de la ferme ne fonctionne pas
Pommes fab dosn't work
nice job still some bugs in the game. Silo bilding on the farm where the forklift is placed you can drive in it and the fabric off pottato's dosn't work is always full
te poort in te cow shed are missing
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