Bilotserkivmaz Subsoilers GR v1.0.0.0


Gripping width - 1.8 m
Processing depth - 45 cm
Required power - 120 hp
Price - $3625.

Gripping width - 2.5 m
Processing depth - 45 cm
Required power - 180 hp
Price - $4925.

The width of the grip is 3.4 m
Processing depth - 45 cm
Required power - 240 hp
The price is $7950

Gripping width - 1.8 m
Processing depth - 45 cm
Required power - 330 hp
price - $8,500.

General characteristics of the pack:
- color selection;
- selection of rollers (tandem spur/support);
- three operating modes (chisel, plow, stripes)
- on all models except GR-2.5, there is a choice of attacher;
- there is animation of penetration into the soil;
- rollers adapted for crushing stubble;
- the speed of operation of a tractor with a subsoiler directly depends on its power.

Recommendations for using the mod:
- when lowering/raising the subsoiler, it is recommended to wait 2-3 seconds;
- it is recommended to till the soil in strips using the Guidance Steering mod at angles of 0,90,180,270 degrees;
- when saving the game, it is recommended to disconnect the subsoiler or leave it in the raised position;
- It is not recommended to use subsoilers with REA mods.

It is also recommended to use subsoilers with weights "Avers-Agro Weight Pack", which are available on Modhub.


FS UA Modding Team

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