CAT 420F Backhoe Loader
changes: v2.0.0.0
new UDIM textures
new decals
resized tires (were too big)
front arm readjusted
licenceplates added
unnecessary script removed
separate textures removed
it gets dirty now
other small changes
error free log
Thank you, it turned out very well.
Thank you so much for your time making this mod looks amazing
thx, for positive feedback
Stop copying people's stuff and posting it as your own
Stop talking other modders work & claiming it as your own. That’s WMF’s mod
stop crying like a little bitch and get over it
how about grow the fuck up. read giants editor before you open your pie trap
awesome job bro
Maybe give credit where credit is due, since this is a conversion. Maybe give credit to the original modder of this.. Just a mere thought.
credit goes to Adams who made this one wmf modding
You’re the reason so many mods are considered “private.” What a scum bag. Just upset because he can’t mod so has to steal from others
i agree with u wish it would stop someday we may not have mods ever again
If he couldn’t mod then how would he even be converting mods on first place. I know most you are fucking stupid but Jesus you are making the top of list lmao
Happy now with the conversion of a stolen mod?
You have no respect for the modders.
Yes, please, a version with a black cabin.
Its coming as soon as I am finished.
The best part is that he knows I am the original modder because he keeps deleting my comments.
So if I was to stack this against Adams nothing going to be the same in which I have and seem to me all you did was change it to a cat
its grand theft mod not grand theft auto lol
ya all cry about this mod but you downloaded it anyways... works fine tnx
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