Cultivator Settings
Many cultivators in the game can be operated in reality with different working depths depending on the settings.
With this modification, the cultivators in the vanilla game and from DLCs also have this option: They can be configured in the shop as a "normal" cultivator, as a "deep cultivator", as "shallow cultivator", or as a variable cultivator, controllable via ISOBUS (additional costs: 2.500 €). ISOBUS-capable cultivators can then be switched at the touch of a button (Ctrl+Alt G).
Soil cultivation with the deep cultivator replaces ploughing.
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1 Downloads in
9 months ago

@loricasant is a scammer
You mean I won't make 2k on fb after all?!?!?! damn. That god you were here to inform me....
your very welcome...i see the devastation scammers do to all sorts of people even people who you would think would never fall for it but do . please go watch some of the scambaiters on twitch and youtube as a group we will keep doing what we can to stop the scammers so please keep safe when online....
Bro.. I was being sarcastic.. #clown
oh wow you where being sarcastic how witty of you . no one would have guest that but thank you for letting us all know
I think even a blind kid would have guessed that buddy. Kind of how even a blind kid would know this first comment is a scam.. Don't try to be some smartass now bc you made yourself look like a complete tool "We're going to stop these scammers" No one cares and scammers will always be around.
Lil bro really thought you was serious. Thanked you and all llmmmmaaaoooo
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