Custom Production Saw Mill v1.0.0.0


A Custom Saw Mill with many options to sale for production.
A Place to sell wood logs, woodchips, to produce Boards And Furniture.

Price: 50000 $

Incoming Materials: Wood, Woodchips.
Outgoing Materials: Boards, Fruniture, Woodchips.
Prodution recipes:
- Fruniture:
4 wood
1000 fruniture (9 Cycles/Hour|2$/Hour)
- Boards:
3 wood
4 Boards (100 Cycles/Hour|2$/Hour)
- Boards:
5000 liters of woodchips
1000 Boards (100 Cycles/Hour|2$/Hour)
- Woodchips:
3 wood
0.15 liters (100 Cycles/Hour|2$/Hour)


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