Excavator Tool Pack v1.0.0.0


Excavator pack offers tools thats make the operation of your machine
easier and more productive.
Excavator Rototilt gives you the ability to reach the most difficult spots of the works site.
The Excavator Rake is the tool every forestier should have!
With Excavator Rake you can collect branches and cultivate the soil in no time.

Excavator Rototilt Upper attacher is compatible with every excavator is equipped with Volvo DLC attacher,
the Lower attacher can connect with Volvo DLC tools and every tool is equipped with S70 attacher like Gjerstad Pack.

You can remove Excavator Rake collisions with X key
- Excavator Rototilt:
Price: 7500 $
- Excavator Rake:
Price: 2500 $


FS Miner/Elsn82

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