Exile Low Loader V1.5.0.0


Exile Low Loader


-Fixed Light

-Fixed Other problem

juste pour votre information je me base effectivement sur des mods déjà existants mais je recrée les modèles 3d avec blender et recommence le code de A a Z donc effectivement je me réserve le droit de mettre les mods à mes credits

just for your information I am actually based on already existing mods but I recreate the 3ds models with blender and start the code from A to Z so I actually reserve the right to put the mods in my credits


FS Construction

Similar modifications

Commented on 2021-12-15 12:52:48

Very poorly converted mod that I made for FS19 and it still has same XML and i3d as mine, you then remove my credits and try claim it as yours

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FS Construction
Reply comment on 2021-12-15 13:46:43


Lol en quoi votre XML est le même c'est tellement facile de critiquer les autres et de rien faire j'ai expliqué que mon travaille que j'effectue sur ses modes qui sont déjà basés sur des modes existants et que je recommençais de A à Z les modes (modèle 3D avec Blender et le codage) donc j'ai dit que je me réservais les droits sur tout mon travaille

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JFL Modding
Reply comment on 2021-12-15 15:08:31

Just need to look at XML from 19 version to this one, there is hardly any difference the only thing you did was a half assed job at converting it.

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Reply comment on 2021-12-15 15:12:53

Perso moi je fous men du moment où il y a un mode qui est fonctionnel je fous Men de toute façon les gens des communautés sont des rages après vous voulez tous mettre des credits pourquoi personne ne demande une vraie licence au vrai constructeur des véhicules (DAF, Volvo, Komastu, etc.)

Personally I don't care as long as there is a mode that is functional I don't care Men anyway people in communities are raging after you all want to put credits why nobody asks for a real license in real car manufacturer (DAF, Volvo, Komastu, mecalac, etc.)

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Reply comment on 2021-12-18 08:36:00

It even still has the West Aus number plates showing in the photo, definitely the trailer JFL released for FS19, i will not be downloading any mods from FS Construction. JFL puts in alot of time and effort into their mods, it is killing the gaming community when steal other mods and claim it as their own, no wonder some of the big mod creators have stopped making mods now.

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Commented on 2021-12-15 15:05:51

jolie ta remorque mais les grosses machines comme le récolteuse de pomme de terre ne rentre pas sur la remorques elle est trop courtes

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Commented on 2021-12-15 18:56:34

hey stupid..your edits mark you with a huge bullseye and that name 'FS Construction' will never amount to nothing here from this moment on. so walk your un-welcomed ass out the door and dont come back. stay and be embarassed daily. until you do leave. and you will leave.

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