Farm Cow Barns v1.0.0.0


2 Cow barns for you farms. This mod includes two cow barns.

Cow Barn 250
- Holds 250 Cows
- Produces, but does not have storage for: Manure, Slurry, and Milk. Does require external (extended) storages for each of these.
- Lights automatically come on at 6pm, and turn off at 8am
- Can hold 450 000 Straw
- Can hold 750 000 Food
- Price: $125000
- Daily UpKeep: $100

Cow Barn 550
- Holds 550 Cows
- Produces, but does not have storage for: Manure, Slurry, and Milk. Does require external (extended) storages for each of these.
- Lights automatically come on at 6pm, and turn off at 8am
- Can hold 750 000 Straw
- Can hold 3 000 000 Food
- Price: $200000
- Daily UpKeep: $100


Chumpy Farmer

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