Fendt mowers Pack v1.0.0.0


Fendt Grassland Equipment' provides a variety of grassland equipment. The new machines allow you to do a great job on mowing your grasslands. So enjoy your next harvest season!

- Fendt Ramos 3060 FP
(Price: 17.260 $; Working width: 3.0 m; Needed power: 75 hp)
- Fendt Ramos 3670 TLX
(Price: 22.330 $; Working width: 3.6 m; Needed power: 95 hp)

This is a reskin off original mod "https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&country=pt&mod_id=235298&title=fs2022" from "VertexDezign ft. MadMax, rafftnix"
We made the Fendt reskin and tweaked a few things to make the mowers better adapt to the terrain.

We hope you like the Mod!!


MM JA NE Modding

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Commented on 2022-07-22 21:58:28

I just want to say that I love the mod.
But I also have a question: Could you or someone else also upgrade the Fendt Cargo T v1.0.0.0 from fs19 for fs22. I myself am not at home.
And maybe for someone a challenge to make the FENDT ROGATOR 600?

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