Fendt Xylon 524 with IC
Here you have my Fendt Xylon
What has been done?
The model is cut out and provided with IC and appropriate sounds
(Both doors, both windows, roof window)
Achen now also swing with the front loader
Have fun with it :P
The GT may also be coming but then in the Modhub

1 Downloads in
8 months ago

melissa johnson is a scammer dont use his link you will lose your money
How's that email coming along you dumb fuck?
well little troll boy we use most of the limited resources on scammers not trolls as you are so low down the list . but we are getting all your abusive posts and supporting posts for scammers sorry its taking so long . btw its best not to use the same name here as you use on other platforms and multiple accounts .
Sureeeee lmaooo "Limited resources" Bitch you are just another person tlaking a bunch of bullshyt in hopes someone will run away with their tale between their legs. YOU HAVE NO SORT OF POWER HERE LMAO
"btw its best not to use the same name here as you use on other platforms and multiple accounts"
Yes because three periods is such a credential name everywhere lmao
Stop talking like you were to do shyt. All you are doing is just reporting comments here which obviously never works out in your favor because the people running the site don't care about you. You'll never be anything more then some jackass always crying. You jump into these arguments spit out a bunch of stupid ass shyt then haul ass because you are literally a bitch. You aren't emailing anyone, You aren't finding them on other platforms, You aren't doing fucking shyt but being here whining literally over your own actions. Only person who can't seem to realize it is literally YOU.
He'S tO sTuPiD tO uNdErStAnD wHaT cOmMoN sEnSe Is.... I just call him Biden because most of shit he says sounds exactly fucking same lmao. Dude literally just said not use same name on other platforms like it's 3 fucking periods you stupid fuck lmao
then why are you 2 so mad lolololol
No one’s mad Lmao. We’re trolling. Your the idiot constantly going on about stupid shit
I’d say nice try but that was Awful. Stick to your normal Biden ranting lmao
Please explain the logic that brought it down to "us" being mad? Or is this just your typical topic change as always.
im not reading all those comments from kids arguing about fuck all
But yet still took time post up a pointless comment about it lmao
I love ramming big cock into my ass
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