Ford F-650 SuperDuty
Power: 400
Maximum Speed: 120
Price: 15000
Was uploaded a while back but had no sound so I added in game sounds.
Created by Expendables, Converted by Unknown, Added sounds by me :)

1 Downloads in
3 years ago

Crashes when trying to view in store.
I just downloaded it and it worked fine for me. It's not the prettiest mod up close, but it does work. Maybe you're having a conflict with another mod. Fun fact, if you have the guidance steering mod, you don't have to "buy" gps when purchasing this truck. It comes with it automatically. Not sure where you'd use it, but still.
Here we go again sh*tty yankee half trucks, no doubt we'll be flooded again like 19 ffs God preserve us
pretty sure expendables said they wanted their mods converted by them only, since ppl been flooding mod-network with crap conversions using autoconvert with giants editor. this is straight from their FB post about the subject---Going along with what Derek Champlin posted in the EXP CUSTOMS Laid Out page, our mods are NOT to be uploaded mod-network. We will handle that. Our mods also should not be converted to FS22 without asking us first.
I already know my 2020 Chevy Silverado from FS19 was half assed converted to FS22 and uploaded to mod-network. That mod will NOT be converted to FS22 by me. You get to deal with a broken mod.
That goes for everything else. If we find our stuff converted and released publicly without our permission, there will be problems. Those mods will most likely never be converted by us in the future too.
As they say, one bad apple spoils the bunch.
Then you'll never get good mods, idiot.
Loser. Get over it.
this mod will cause your game to crash and you will not be able to open the save game progress if you were at. I experienced this when I downloaded this mod. This is the only mod I had enabled. Broken crap mod
crashes game mod does not work, way too many errors, people just uploading crap mods without testing them
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