FS22 Demco Series 2200 Pack v1.0.0.0


Demco Series 2200 JTM


Model: Demco Series 2200 JTM

Price: $115,000 Base

Required Power: 400 HP

Capacity: 77,500 liters

Model: Demco Series 2200 JTM Unreal

Price: $115,000 Base

Required Power: 400 HP

Capacity: 77,500/100,000/250,000, 500,000, 1,000,000/2,500,000/5,000,000 liters

Features Included:

-Additional capacities, with unreal capacities

-Addition of selectable Discharge Speeds.

A big thank you to Chris S and Riley S  for permissions to use some assets from the Colossus Harvester Pack.

I hope you enjoy using this Auger.


JTerk Modding

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