FS22 Ricci Apiary ModPack
Apairy makes honey and wax both products will be used in future factories.
Greenhouse Four makes clover and coffee. Clover needed tof the apiary. Coffee to be used in a future factory. Greenhouse will be expanded in a future update.
UNZIP the first file then keep all inside zipped.
These can be used on my maps and ANY map.
You need my previous releases for the inputs to make these work. Also my placeable sellpoint.
Paypal: http://paypal.me/oldman102
Faceboook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/891327444568522
Map Links: https://trello.com/b/14u3jGeo/ricciville-map-updates
Hello! My problem with the Ricci apiary is that once I put it down somewhere, it can never be removed from there again! This should be improved. Thanks in advance.
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