FS22 Ricci Modpack4 contains the following:
Bakery Barn makes cake and bread with more products planned in a future update.
Cereal factory makes three different boxes of cereal
Drying Mill makes raisins, banana chips, and dry cherries
Juice Factory makes grape juice, lemonade, and coconut water.
You need my previous releases for the input products to make these work. Also my placeable sellpoint.
UNZIP the first file then keep all inside zipped.
Map Links: https://trello.com/b/14u3jGeo/ricciville-map-updates
Faceboook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/891327444568522
Paypal: http://paypal.me/oldman102
Merci pour les Mods mai ou et l'usine de Tissu comme la vidéo Merci a tous.
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