On this map you got alot of farming and mowing there alot more maps and mods stay tune!!!
- 1 Downloads in
1 year ago
On this map you got alot of farming and mowing there alot more maps and mods stay tune!!!
Forward Agricultural River Bottom Custom Farming Alberta Farms Sasquatch Farms Sanders Farms Misfit Farms Edits DeLuyck Farms Edits HighlineProductions E&E Farms L&H Farms Tri-State Crew
Non function
Map Doesn't Work
The map doesn't work because it is in "rar" format. You need to unzip the map, then zip it again using the "zip" format option. Although i wouldn't recommend wasting your time even downloading this sh*t at first place. This is probably an unfinished version of a patreon map that had potential, but the creators wanted a lot of money for a quick job. The farms are crap, half of the sheds are fs17 style with bad textures and what not, the town is hilariously bad... Many log errors. The terrain doesn't even cast or receive shadows. On top of that, this pile of sh*t is 1.8gbs.... If you want a 4X map, go download UMRV 4X , 100x times better than this map.
die Karte kommt morgen für Patreons
Amazes me that a "modder" would be browsing around this crappy modsite just to talk trash about another modder! Folks wonder whats wrong with this community and where all the good modders are going! This map was never suppose to be leaked as it was in the very very early stages so of course it has tons of problems! The fella making this map does a top notch job!
What would a so called modder know about maps , what is the last map you made and put out. You have no idea what goes into and to shit on someone elses work lends to your shitty character. You were not to happy when Giants messed with your patreon why you screwing with someone elses. I have had to fix many of your mods upon release,so maybe people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones ,just saying buddy!! Instead of trolling third party sites and shitting on peoples work maybe work on your own blender and modding skills Clownzilla.
LOL who the fook is this guy CLOWNZILLA...whats the last map you made chap? And if I were you instead of trolling someones unfinished LEAKED material Id be working on my modding skills what little you have because your "mods" are error filled trash, and maybe people should leak your patreon to give you something to cry about other than Giants.
At least i don't lie when i comment, none of my mods are "error filled trash" ahahh, but yeah, keep talking guys... Oh, just for your info, i don't need to make a map in order to be able to comment or tell what is sh*t and what not ;)
Haha, first, gamerdesigns support Patreon mods and modders which is against Giants rules, second, seems like you also have free time to be browsing this website and replying to comments. I don't see what why it is wrong to point that the map is complete shi*t when in fact it is...
looks really cool but it dosent work since its a .rar which sadly isn't supported in fs
don't download leaked unfinished work from third party sites, clearly origianl modder would not upload in this format ,this is someone who has no clue!
Why you bitching? keep crying bud
oh look Mr. Know it all! this map is 100x better than the stuff you have uploaded!
Early stages, Leaked or whatever the map is overall trash. All of these comments are probably the guys kiss ass friends or same person just changing their IP to make new comments under a different name lmao
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