Gariep South Africa FS22 v1.0.0.0


Gariep is a small town in the Orange Free State in South Africa, though the town is small the farming is massive on this 4 x map. If you would like to check the area on Google Earth:
 -30.5433718128, 25.6677442965

The map has full game functionality including seasons,26 fields, 6sell points massive fields total field area of over 800Ha...(largest field 190Ha) and small ones as well (smallest field 0.24Ha)

Animals you can farm 3 x Large Chicken, Horse Large, 4 x Cow pasture Large, 3 x Sheep Large, 3 x Pig Large.
Massive  FarmSilo 3.2 Mil storage and all the rest thats needed to farm your heart out, starting with a great array of equipment, beautiful house, workshop and many more.


Giants for the Editor
FarmerB0B Making the map
LC _ Shaun _ BMF MODELS for the Shop
SanAndreas For the farmhouse
Christopher_Elk_Mtn_Modding for Sheds
Luki (Lukasz Lacina) and Morne Geldenhuis for brilliant help in testing
Morne Geldenhuis for supplying and testing various mods for the map


Commented on 2022-03-26 14:43:03

have any interest in helping me make a map?

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Commented on 2022-03-27 05:39:11

tu nas pas une photo de la map ? merci

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Commented on 2022-03-27 23:17:09

Rhodesians never die

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