Complete field applications quickly and efficiently with the Guidance Steering mod that helps you accurately setup tracks to work your fields.
- FS22 release
Guidance Steering allows you to use different methods in order to create tracks. The AB point method requires you to setup two points (A and B) in order to calculate the steering angle. The A+heading method simplifies this setup with only forcing you to enter the desired steering angle.
Make sure to enable Guidance Steering before you're able to enter the menu.
In order todo this:
- Enable Guidance Steering: left ALT + C
- Show Guidance Steering menu: left CTRL + S
For further info on gameplay please checkout the README on the Github repository.
- 1 Downloads in
3 years ago
My favorite mod, I really didn't expect to see this released this quick. Hats off to Wopster !
1. Its the only mod in the mods folder, so no mod conflicts possible. (2) Used this mod all the way through 17 and 19. (3) Alt+C does nothing put switch between the cab and the outside camera, and Ctrl+S just backs the vehicle up, its like the game is not recognizing the Alt or Ctrl keys. (4) Even remapped the default commands, only mod in the folder, new game, still not working?
I had the same problem at first and remembered that you have to purchase GPS for each vehicle.
Did that, still not working.
Po přidání tohoto modu se mi ztratila nabídka modu ručního vykládání.Co s tím?
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