Hof Bergmann v1.0.0.2


The time has finally come and the Hof Bergmann is available as the first version for the LS22.

Version HotFix Version/Pump N Hoses DLC

- Fixed bugs that occurred with the Pump N Hoses DLC (all stables were gone)

A notice:

This is the complete mod pack, the mod pack again consists of 2 RAR files that have to be downloaded, but this time without a password

Nothing has changed in the additional mods, so they do not have to be replaced.

If you don't play with the Pump N Hoses DLC anyway, you don't need to download this version again because nothing else has changed.

The map will be further expanded in the future and this version is not the final version, because a map is never really finished.

Installation Guide:


Download Hof Bergmann AIO Map Pack (one file)

The FS22_HofBergmann_Map_AIO_Pack_v1_0_0_0.rar must first be unpacked with WinRAR or similar

We get a directory called: "FS22_HofBergmann_Map_AIO_Pack_v1_0_0_0" in this directory there is a folder "mods",

now we copy all zip files from our folder "mods" into the mod folder of the game

Finished !

Not Supporter:

Download Hof Bergmann AIO Map Pack (archive is split into several files because the hoster only allows up to 1GB per file for FreeUser)

The FS22_HofBergmann_Map_AIO_Pack_v1_0_0_0.part1 must first be unpacked with WinRAR or similar. In the case of split files, all archives must be in one folder; these are automatically extracted as well. The password for unpacking can be found here: Unpack Hof Bergmann Map correctly!

We get a directory called: "FS22_HofBergmann_Map_AIO_Pack_v1_0_0_0" in this directory there is a folder "mods",

now we copy all zip files from our folder "mods" into the mod folder of the game

Finished !



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Commented on 2022-09-27 19:46:02

upload in a good server not in rapidshit

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Reply comment on 2022-09-30 15:58:05



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