Originally by MIAxeman
This is a 16x (8km) map is loosely based on the farms near Bad Axe Michigan. The area has been altered slightly to make room for more sell points and better forestry. There are custom versions of all the base game production factories that have higher speeds and increased storage capacities plus a fertilizer factory and a forage mixing plant. The turbines on the map are purchased when you buy the farmland they are on and they will generate hourly income after they are purchased.
Has been modified to add an array of crops, productions and increased field sizes for those that love big field farming.
good evening on the huron map we cannot harvest lentils and peanuts the harvester does not take them
Yes, I accidentally missed them from the list in one of the files, will amend in next release..
ok merci sinon beau boulot
hi there's 222 errors on verygames server
Sorry, not aware what a 222 error means on verygames?
sorry no
désolé de te dérangé mais je voudrai te faire un petit rapport sur la map huron xxl multifruit déjà quand je joue dessus et que je regarde mon log il me met la map en erreur avec ou sans mod et avec les betteraves rouge doit y avoir un problème par ce que j'ai était jouer sur un autre map qui avait aussi des betterave rouge et mon semoir le db 120 multifruit les a pris en compte en espérant un réponse de ta part
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