International Loadstar 1600 Hauler
1. Description:
- Brand: International
- Price: 15 500 €
- HP: 197
2. Configurations:
- Base color
- Rim color
- Fenders color
- Body color
- Beacons
- Wheels
- Attacher
3. Animations
- Doors (via SimpleIC)
- Hood panels (via SimpleIC)
- Interior animations (pedals, gear stick, levelers and more)
- Mirrors
4. Others:
- Custom wear/dirt
- Tension Belts
- License Plates
- Working ramps
If you want to support my work:
Why not make it a direct download so people don't get malware? huh? why delete my comments!
Swear you cry babies always have something to just fucking whine about.. Don't fucking downlaod it then if you're a bitch. It's not his fault you're a bitch and the 610 others who downloaded it weren't
Great truck , but i just wish there was more powerful engine option.
I put a tractor on it and this truck cannot get out of it's own way. i tried to edit it , but it did not work i guess.
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