JCB 542-70
1. Description:
- Brand: JCB
- Price: 107000 €
- HP: 145
2. Configurations:
- Base color
- Rim color
- Fenders
- Agri Pro or Agri Extra version
- Back Hitch
3. Animations
- Door
- Bonnet
- Interior animations (pedals, gear stick, levelers and more)
4. Others:
- Custom wear/dirt
- License Plates
- Adapters
1. The mod has 2 errors in the log, one is for the missing shader from FS19 (still trying to figure out how to get new one working) and second errors is for missing index in the XML file, but that index doesn't actually exist, so idk why the game is giving such error. Both errors don't affect the game at all.
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Jedna maličkost,kterou chci vytknout tomuto krásnému modu je,že se hadice adaptéru připojují k zadním rychlospojkám.
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