Killbros Gravity Wagons v1.0.0.0


Now here's the real surprise, I've got some gravity wagons for y'all!

On Thursday, December 23, I started with nothing but 2 reference pictures and a cube in Blender, and I ended the day with 3 completely functional wagons!

What's included?

-Killbros 300

-Killbros 350

-Killbros 390

Each wagon has its' own unique fill plane with a built in heap to make it look completely full. The Killbros decal was made by me, by hand, and it only took me 3.5 hours to model the wagon (which I livestreamed). If you want to watch the process of the wagons being built, you could go back and watch it on this Facebook page.



Tired Iron Modding

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Commented on 2022-03-02 16:57:42

Whoopee. I've had them for about 2 months. These ones don't look anywhere as good as the ones I have already. 3.5 hours wasted eh????

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Reply comment on 2022-03-02 21:41:13

You beat me to saying the same thing!

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