Landini/McCormick Tractors Pack v1.1.0.0


Landini Powerfarm 110, McCormick C105 Max - compact, Italian agricultural tractors produced since 2010, have a Perkins 4.4 102/419Nm engine and a 24/12 gearbox with a mechanical reverser.


added McCormick C105 MAX tractor

added support for Precision Farming DLC

engine power upgrade added

added joystick to turn

added a new console to the MP-LIFT turn

new configurations added

changed the appearance of the rims

gearbox layout changed

sounds have been improved

the appearance of the model has been improved

number of textures has been optimized

other bugs fixed

The mod has:

All FS22 standards - dirty, animated pedals, gears with ranges, illuminated and animated clocks.

Plus animated doors, windows, multiple tire configurations, weight configuration, fenders, etc

The mod has no errors in the log. Have a nice game


GIANTS Software, Holzs FS, DonPablo, FarmerLS, Rolnik410, d4wid33k

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