Lanz Bulldog Pack1 Update v1.0.0.0


Lanz Bulldog Pack1 update I am happy to introduce you to the first LS22 Lanz Bulldogs.

The pack includes the Lanz D4016 and its big brother, the Lanz D6016.

Changelog V1.0.0

-Sound adjusted.

-toggleAnimationsScript added

-extended color choice

-animated group shifter

-Front camber

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Price : 12500,-€

Power D4016 : 40hp

Power D5016 : 50hp

Power D6016 : 60hp

Power D6516 : 65hp

Configurations D4016:

• Design without, bracket I, bracket II, Fritzmeier top

• 5 tire variants

• Front loader attachment with and without front protection

• Front mudguard

• Lanz Bulldog and John Deere Lanz engine variants

• Attachments compressed air system, silencer

• Color choice of the rims

• Body color choice

• Choice of color for hood grille

• Choice of color field claw

• License plate

Configurations D6016:

• Design None, bracket I, bracket II, soft top, roof

• 5 tire variants

• Front mudguard

• Lanz Bulldog and John Deere Lanz engine variants

• Attachments compressed air system, air filter, silencer

• Color choice of the rims

• Body color choice

• Choice of color for hood grille

• Choice of color field claw

• License plate


• Open windscreen (STRG+T) Info!

if you use the mod "FS22_park_vehicle", please change the button assignment for parking the vehicles in your game settings.

• Open Bonnet (CTRL+Z)

• Attaching and detaching the tarpaulins (CTRL+G)

• Unfold the field claws (CTRL+A)

• Attaching and detaching the front canvas covers (CTRL+H)

• all LS22 innovations implemented

• All moving parts are fully animated

• Fully animated dashboard

• full driving animation

I wish you all a lot of fun with the bulldogs!

And remember ---> if it doesn't smoke, there's no performance!

 LG ls_oldtimer


Giants Software GmbH
3d. Modell : ls_oldtimer
ingame : ls_oldtimer
Sounds : qwertzuioqwe
Radnarben : DB601
Rücklicht und Felgen : WolfIQ
Scipts : DaHoffi
Prefab : Tools FSSA Modding Team

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Commented on 2022-01-29 15:00:07

I would like to use this mod, but when you insist on changing key bindings of other mods to suit your mod, this is a deal breaker. You need to set your bindings to user preference.

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Reply comment on 2022-01-30 02:38:09

That is a YOU problem....thousands of players, and they are magically supposed to know what all mods all of them use, and therefore what keybinds everyone is already using....

It is FREE, sorry if having to click download and move the mod to your mods folder is too much work for a lazy cunt like yourself....spoiled fucking us all a favor since you are clearly still stuck to your mother's tit, shut your computer off and don't come back....

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Commented on 2022-01-29 15:07:50

thank you for the this great mod looks great and works great....but plez tell me how do you get it to run in auto gears ......

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