Leona PA is my first Lidar based mapping project. Based in north central Pennsylvania, Leona was my biggest mapping project I've ever attempted. Between everything that's gone into it and the struggle with commitment for the map. It's been a major project for me.
The map Features
Three Dairy Farms
Silage Corn
Added Feed Fill Types
1 Sell point
Custom Crop Textures from Serious Mods (Oats, Barley, and Wheat) AW Modding (Corn/Maize), Grass (Calmsden Grass by Oxygen David)
Custom Seasons Geo - (Westby geo, Double Cropping is possible and encouraged.)
Muti Terrain Angle Supported
Where the fuck is the download link???
Large H hasn't released it yet....
MF 9690 combine?
so many downloads but no download link
where is the download link
This map has not been released yet by the map maker it is still in testing
What's the bloody point of putting it on hear if you can't download it. What a complete knob.
Why is it showing so many downloads when there's no link.
Kein DL-Link aber über 1000 Downloads
This was posted most likely by the Website's bots, hence why "Guest" was the one who uploaded it on here. So no, this map is not downloadable yet. So all of you going "iTs noT dOwnloDAblE" it takes 30 seconds to either go to Large H's Facebook or Itch.io that the bot has linked to see whether or not the map is out yet.
no shit captain obvious!!
Looks like someone said "wHerE dO I dOwnLoAd it" and "iS it CoMinG tO coNsoLe?" one too many times because by judging your response to an informative comment it seems you've not developed fully in the cranium region of your skull.
@Jordan2019 Where the download link?
it was sarcasm.......maybe the cranium region of your skull hasnt fully developed?!?!?!?
"No shit captain obvious." is sarcasm? What kinda chromosome deficient person are you? Also, "sarcasm" does not work over text, obviously.
yep, and it shows you can't take it!
this map has been in the top spot for to days now despite no one downloading it lol
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